    Dåseberga Gardens

    Dåseberga Model Rail Road

    Dåseberga Mech. Workshop






A short presentation of myself.


My name is Peter and I am born in 1952. I have a wife and three wonderful children (not so small anymore) to be proud of. My line of work is IT, information and usability. The work occupies most of my day time, as does taking care of family, house and cars. Because of this it is very comforting to have some occasional hobby activities.


I see gardening. model building like model railroading, and model engineering with toolmaking as my hobbies, and each have their own heading to the left.


At this stage, the first round of general renovation of the house is coming to an end. The only big one remaining is the main bathroom. This means that from 2005 when we first bought this house, I have now renovated it completely indoors and the outside has gotten a very good overhaul. The garden is also under development as can be seen under Dåseberga Gardens to the left.


The hobby activities are directed to the time available after any daily work is finished. Daily work nowadays also include at least two excercise periods of at least an hour each to keep physically fit. The need became obvious after a small heart-attack in the beginning of May 2011. Since starting off with the training I have regained most of my fitness and strength, and it also lowers my stress levels radically. Prevent more heart-attacks.


Also in this respect, a hobby (whichever it is) is a healing activity as it brings comfort and joy in a very good way. With more than one hobby there is always something to do regardless of weather condition. It is relaxing and stressing around does not pay off because the end result will not be what was intended. One of the most relaxing hobbies is actually gardening even though it is much work at times, but you cannot rush it, it takes its time to grow and develop.






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